SVM Resources
Specialty Vehicle Manufacturers can find both the documentation and contacts they need to begin their next project.
The SVM Policies and Procedures Manual provides forms and instructions to support handling GM Envolve vehicles.

SVM Forms
The SVM forms are used to apply for and request daily business transactions with the General Motors Specialty Vehicle Manufacturing (SVM) group.
Form(s) should be completed and emailed to the SVM group at
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the form(s), please contact the GM Envolve Solutions Center at 1-800-353-3867 or email
Please complete the form(s) electronically. Faxed or handwritten form(s) will not be accepted.
GM Upfitter Integration Group
The GM Upfitter

- Downloadable Upfit Manuals
- Technical assistance
- Service as a liaison between the Specialty Vehicle Manufacturer and/or end customer and several other GM organizations, such as Engineering, Marketing and Service